Dynamic Equilibrium Registration Instructions
Ways to register:
To register by MAIL, download a registration form to print out here .
To register by E-MAIL, e-mail dynamicequilibriuminc@gmail.com with the following information:
- Your name, address, and phone number
- The title, location and date of the course you want to sign up for and a brief description of how you have met the prerequisites, if applicable.
- How you would like to pay your tuition (2 choices)
- You will be following up with a mailed check
- You would like to be emailed an invoice or a webpage link to pay online with Paypal. PayPal accepts all credit cards and you do not need to join PayPal.
- You will receive an email confirming your registration within 48 hours. Please call our office if you do not receive a confirmation email.
To register ONLINE, use the Class Calendar page and click on the PayPal button if one is available. Please be aware that when registering online using PayPal, you will need to pay your full tuition at the time you register.
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT SEND CREDIT CARD INFORMATION BY E-MAIL. E-mail is not a secure electronic transmission.
PayPal offers an option to pay over SIX MONTHS WITH NO INTEREST for purchases over $99. To take advantage of this option, choose PayPal Credit when paying your tuition and apply for the PayPal credit card.
Click here to read the registration cancellation and refund policy .
Personal checks should be made out to "Dynamic Equilibrium" and mailed to Dynamic Equilibrium, 309 Oakwood Court, Youngsville, NC 27596.
A detailed logistics letter with travel information, local hotels, what to bring to the class, and any specific additional information you might need, is sent out right after the class confirmation date (See the Class Calendar). If you need information about the course or travel information before then, contact Dynamic Equilibrium. A link to travel information is also posted on the class clendar page for each course- just click on the facility name..